Regional Dialogue Series by SEA circular on Plastic Credits - A Circular Solution for Plastic Waste Management


Wednesday, 28th September 2022, from 14:00 to 16:00 hrs. (GMT+7, Bangkok Time)


Plastic credit mechanisms are evolving rapidly and seen as a means to support collection of both recyclable and non-recyclable plastics, bridging the gaps in formal waste management infrastructure. It enables the informal sector in the waste management system to engage in plastic waste markets and its value-chain. Plastic credit is seen to serve as the vehicle for interaction between businesses and informal waste workers. The evolving plastic credits space is however not well understood by all and therefore a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of plastic credits in its current form can help build confidence, transparency, and a level playing field that ensures the informal waste collectors are also fairly rewarded for their efforts. Meanwhile, many see plastic credits as an instrument that should only be used by producers as part of efforts to achieve extended producer responsibility after other solutions have been applied. Understanding of plastic credit concepts and market mechanisms will support the development of a pathway towards a harmonized standard for plastic credits. This regional dialogue aims to explore the views of key players and stakeholders on how plastic credits can support plastic circularity in the region. It aims to inform practitioners and stakeholders on what is required to support a fair and level playing field for plastic credits, to achieve a harmonized operational framework.  Participants of this event will be informed by insights gained from two research projects supported by the SEA circular project, prior to the panel discussion.

Key Objectives:

The regional dialogue aims to:

  • Enhance understanding on concepts and key aspects of plastic credits as a solution for plastic waste management;
  • Share insights on the challenges and areas that can benefit from harmonization given the rapidly evolving landscape of plastic credits, based on findings from the recent research studies; and
  • Provide a platform for exchange of key insights among plastic credit actors on trends, challenges and strategies for adoption of plastic credits as a solution to circularity in the plastic value chain.


Expected Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding of plastic credits and its place in promoting circularity in the plastic value chain
  • Insights on the correlation of plastic credits with circularity enabling instruments such as EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), HRBA (Human Rights Based Approach) and RBC (Responsible Business Conduct)
  • Holistic view of plastic credits system and mechanism for market integration and standardization 


Key Questions for Panel Discussion and Open Forum:

The panelists’ discussions will be guided by three key questions as follow:

  1. What we don’t know about plastic credits and have to still discover?
  2. Outlook for plastic credits as a long-term solution for plastic circularity
  3. Correlation among key interventions – EPR, Plastic credits, HRBA and Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)


Target Audiences:

The targeted audience who will participate in the regional dialogue are from

  1. government agencies
  2. industries,
  3. private companies
  4. business associations
  5. SMEs
  6. banks/finance institutions
  7. NGOs
  8. Start-up
  9. local enterprises
  10. international organizations

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