Webinar on 5G and IoT Applications and Policy Solutions
17 May 2021
AIT-TusPark WHA Webinar on Deep Tech in Thailand's New S-curve Industries: Opportunities in Thai Market
13 May 2021
Webinar on Global Supply Chain Outlook Post Covid-19 Primary
11 May 2021
Online Training Course on Connect Learning with Monitoring and Evaluation: A Strategy for Project M&E in Current COVID 19 Pandemic
10 May 2021 - 28 May 2021
Facebook Live Event on Business Continuity Management (BCM)
01 Apr 2021
Facebook Live Event on Strengthening Public-Private -Partnership (PPP) Policy and Regulation for Sustainable Power Sector Development
18 Mar 2021
Facebook live event on UK Management Consultant Certification Pathway: Things you must know
04 Mar 2021
Facebook Live event on Road Safety Audit: An Approach for work Zone Safety in Road Construction Projects
01 Mar 2021
Webinar on Transforming the Next Generation of Leadership for Industry 4.0
18 Feb 2021