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What We Offer?

Business solutions, professional explanations, and recommendations through its research activities

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What Is Our Approach?

Our approach is to work collaboratively with other firms/ organisations.

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Who Are Our Clients?

Firms that are willing to benefit the research offerings by AIT Extension's pool of experts.

About Our Clients

The AITE Strategy

From its inception, AITE contributes to the development of private entities, national and international firms, and government agencies to reach their goals. Hence, AITE works as a strategic partner and assists firms adhere to sustainable profitability, attain business growth, build competitive advantage over its competitors, and finally develop a smart workforce supporting firms strategic goals and objectives.

Act of Collaboration

AITE along with the industry leading practitioners and globally recognized research excellence by the academicians collaboratively work with firms and offers business solutions, professional explanations, and recommendations to its clientele. Based on the requirements of the firms, AITE first collects qualitative and quantitative data through different and appropriate data collection methodologies, second study and analyzes the collected data, and finally provide explanations and suggestions by identifying the comprehensions from data.

One of the examples can be Voice of Customer (VoC) / Voice of Employee (VoE). As an invaluable tool VoC/VoE represents stakeholders' perceptions, needs, and requirements used as a research method to identify opportunities, gauge sentiment, and gain insights into competitive advantages or weaknesses. Besides its own in-house expertise, AITX has the vast network and associations all over the globe, supporting mobilize relevant resources to conduct collaborative industry research.

Our Support

AITE works together with firms who are willing to benefit the research offerings from the wide network, extensive industry leading practitioners, and academic expertise from all over the globe. Furthermore, AITX is more than delighted and ever enthusiastic to work, share experiences, share resources, and generate ideas with you and your firm for an enriched future.

Some of our collaborators: