Date Range
This 6 days program from 27 January to 1 February 2020 designed for the Managers from Peoples’ Bank, Sri Lanka to develop their competencies in banking industry.
Program Objectives
The program is designed around the following themes which follow the Environment-Industry-Organization-Individual hierarchy. At the end of this program participants will be able to:
a. Corporate credit analysis to develop an appreciation of special issues in Corporate credit
b. SME Credit analysis to develop an appreciation of special challenges in SME credit
c. Strategic Financial Analytical skills to interpret financial ratios in the context of a borrower’s business and competitive strategy
d. Macro economic analysis to understand economy as a source of credit risk
e. Industry analysis to understand industry structure and competition as a source of credit risk
f. Predictive models to understand how certain factors can help provide advance warning of credit risks
g. Blending quantitative and qualitative analysis to develop skills on how to qualitative information in conjunction with quantitative data
TIMING: The program will be held from 27 January to 1st February 2020
VENUE: AIT, Thailand
PARTICIPANTS: This course is designed to meet the needs of middle level managers from banks.
COURSE DIRECTOR:Dr. Venkatesh Sundaravaradhan
COURSE COORDINATOR(S): Ms. Farah Nashid Hossain