Professional Development Course on Innovation, 05 – 09 June 2018

This five days course on Innovation is organized for managers, administrators or technologists serving as members and mentors in their own organization. The course is designed in such a way that after the completion the participants will be able to better manage their innovation and culture of innovation.

Objective:The course provides a comprehensive overview of creating and leading a culture of innovation currently practiced in the industry. It is particularly suitable for personnel who want to gain a broader understanding of the drivers to create innovations at multiple levels that impact on the people and society.

TIMING: The training course will be held during 05 – 09 June 2018.

VENUE: AIT, Thailand

PARTICIPANTS: 10 mentors and innovation team members.

COURSE DIRECTOR:   Mr. Fazle Karim

COURSE COORDINATOR(S):     Mr. Syed Muntasir Husain Bokhari

CONTACT: Mr. Fazle Karim

Senior Program Specialist

AIT Extension

Asian Institute of Technology


 photos by Pixabay