Course Introduction


Monitoring progress and evaluating impacts in various aspects of a project is a vital phase in project management. Monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) help not only for following-up progress but also for reporting. It serves as a pathway for tracing project achievements and developing remedial measures to ensure effectiveness. Project managers, coordinators, and evaluators will need to adopt practical knowledge to prepare a relevant plan for M&E. Project M&E require the skill set to design and develop data collection instruments scientifically sound and coherent measurement of impacts.


- Be acquainted with emerging matrices and approaches for impact monitoring and evaluation.
- To discover techniques for developing data instruments that are high relevance and cost-effective.
- To identify key measures to determine project impacts.

Target Audiences

- Middle to senior-levels
- Project managers
- Executives responsible for managing and supervising development projects

Subject Content

- Application of Theory of Change to Planning of Project M&E
- Result-based Approach for Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Mapping Impact Matrices and Key Impact Measures
- Coordination Schema for Data Tool Design and Development
- Using of Big Data for Impact Evaluation: Fundamental and Cases Studies
- Project M&E Using Microsoft Project Management
- Agile Management in Project Progress Tracking and Reporting
- Using Smart Devices and Cloud-based Applications for Data Presentation
- Reporting

Method of Delivery

- Mini input session
- Group discussion
- Planning workshop
- Case Studies and Field Visits on development projects

Tuition Fee

1 800.00 USD

Tuition Fee THB

฿ 61074.00

Date Range

10 - 19 Jun 2024