Eight senior government officials from Nepal participate in AIT Extension's course

Monitoring and Evaluation of Post-Conflict Recovery ProgramsAIT Extension’s Public Sector Capacity Building Program, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction (MoPR), government of Nepal and the Human Development Forum Foundation (HDFF) is organizing a 10-day training program on "Monitoring and Evaluation of Post-Conflict Recovery Programs" from 22 February to 5 March 2010. The course is the second capacity building initiative that MoPR requested AIT Extension to conduct after the first course on Conflict Resolution and Peace Building conducted in August 2009. Eight senior government officials from MoPR are participating in this course. The main focus of this short course is on monitoring and evaluation techniques and tools MoPR would develop and use for evaluating outcomes of post-conflict recovery programs being carried in Nepal. Also the course emphasizes on participants’ skills to apply logical framework and measurement indicators to measure results at the field level. 

To view the course detail click here.