Professional Development Training and Exposure Visit Program on Planning and Management of Successful Agribusiness Innovations, 28 February -10 March 2017
Professional development program on PSC accounting, auditing and oil/gas exploitation contract, 07 August – 16 August 2017
Professional Development Course on Modern Medical Treatment and Health Care in Public Hospital 5th – 13th February 2018
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environment (1 – 7 July, 2010)
Exposure Visit Program for Financial Journalist from Nepal (15 – 17 Dec, 2010)
Nepal Rastra Bank, Central Bank of Nepal sends 30 Officials to attend a Training Program at AIT
Commercial Management and Customer Services: for Power Distribution Companies, Pakistan
Airport Of Thailand (Public Company Limited) Collaborates with AIT and SPS Global to enhance capacity on Airport and Aviation Standards
International Professional Development Program on Hydropower Financing II