Webinar on Leading at the tip of the Spear
17 Feb 2021
Facebook live on Digital Disruption in Higher Education
16 Feb 2021
Facebook Live on DEMER MODEL:Technique for evaluation of every project
03 Feb 2021
CEO talk Series on How has NABIL Bank Future Proofed itself?
15 Oct 2020
Webinar on Strategy for Sustainable Leadership in CMSME banking
01 Oct 2020
Webinar on AIT's unique role on the promotion of Tilapia Farming for Food and Nutrition Security
23 Sep 2020
Webinar on How does Digital Transformation work in a Bank?
17 Sep 2020
IFRS Series: Mastering in IFRS 9, IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 with Its Retrospective Implementation
16 Sep 2020 - 29 Sep 2020
Webinar on COVID-19 Impact on Shrimp Farming and the White-Faces Disease - how the farmers are dealing with it?
06 Aug 2020